Logging Equipment For Sale.

101-125 of 358
2016 Bandit Beast 3680 Horizontal Grinder
$259,900 USD
2016 Bandit 3680 Beast Horzontal Grinder, Cat C27 with 2800 Hours, 30 Tooth Mill, Magnetic Head Pulley, Radio Remote.
Usage 2,800 Hours
Location Ocala, Florida, US
Stock Number HG16B3680FLCN
MLS Number 13027535
2016 Morbark 4600XL Horizontal Grinder
Call for price
2016 Morbark 4600XL Horzontal Track Grinder, Cat C27 with 7,500 hours, Magnetic Head Pulley, Radio Remote.
Usage 7,500 Hours
Location Ocala, Florida, US
Stock Number HG16M4600XLFLCN
MLS Number 13027056
1995 Timberjack 380C Skidder - Grapple
$29,500 USD
1995 Timberjack 380C Grapple Skidder, Winch, Need Drive Shaft for Winch, Cummins 12 Valve, Hours Unknown, Good Tire Tread, Center Section was done recently, More Pictures Coming, Ready for...
L x W 23 x 10.1
Location Dallas, Texas, US
Stock Number S95TJ380CTXBB
MLS Number 13026668
1998 Tigercat 845 Feller Buncher - Felling Head
$69,900 USD
1998 Tigercat 845 Feller Buncher, Tigercat 5401 Buncher Head, Engine was replaced Has 3000 Hours, 20,000 Frame Hours, 8.3 Liter, 300 HP, Tigercat Head. Hydraulic Pump has 3000 Hours,...
Horse Power 300
L x W 16.2 x 10.9
Location Fairfield, Maine, US
Stock Number FB98TC845MEBB
MLS Number 13024799
2006 Fabtek FT-153 Logging Processor - Processor
$79,900 USD
2006 Fabtek 153 Processor, Equipped with a Fabtek (4) Roller Processor Head, Engine Has 6,100 Hours, was Remaned, Frame Hours 15,800, Enclosed Cab with Heat and Air Conditioning,...
Usage 6,100 Hours
Location Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US
Stock Number P06F153MIBB
MLS Number 13021001
2008 Woodsman 332 Chipper
$92,500 USD
2008 Woodsman 332 Whole Tree Chipper, Cummins 365 HP Turbo Diesel Engine ONLY 159 Hours, Twin Disc Clutch, Autofeed System, 20 x 36" Opening, Has 10' Infeed Conveyor, 1,500 Lbs, Tether...
Usage 159 Hours
Horse Power 365
Engine Type Cummins
Location Winchester, Virginia, US
Stock Number WTC08W332VABB
MLS Number 13020857
1998 Caterpillar 525B Skidder
$47,900 USD
1998 Caterpillar 525B Grapple Skidder, No Winch, 12,700 Hours, Tires are 30.5 x 32, Good Tread, New Hydraulic Pump, Axle has New Bearings, Center Section is Tight, Front Axle Bearing...
Usage 12,700 Hours
L x W 21.29 x 11.11
Location Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, US
Stock Number S98C525BPABB
MLS Number 13020601
2008 John Deere 859M Feller Buncher - Quadco 24B Hotsaw
$349,000 USD
2018 Deere 859M Feller Buncher, Equipped with Quadco 24B 360 Degree Hot Saw, ONLY 7600 Hours, Enclosed Cab with Heat and Air Conditioning, Undercarriage is 75%, Fire Suppression, NEW Crate...
Usage 7,600 Hours
L x W 16.1 x 10.11
Location Sacramento, California, US
Stock Number FB18D859MCABB
MLS Number 13020562
2014 John Deere 703JH Logging Processor
Call for price
2014 John Deere 703 JH WoodProcessor with a622 B Warata 3/4 chain main saw and a404 top saw.Very clean, no leaks and no dents!Just over 10,000 hours working daily. Length: 27 ft 10 in,...
Usage 10,000 Hours
L x W 27.10 x 9.6
Location Fairfield, Maine, US
Stock Number P14D703JHMECN
MLS Number 13018257
2023 Weiler 357 Feller Buncher - Hotsaw
Call for price
2023 Weiler 357 Feller Buncher, Equipped with 22" Hot Saw, Fire Suppression, Extra Saw Teeth, Undercarriage 95%, Enclosed Cab with Heat, Air Conditioning Custom Seat, ONLY 400 Hours, Ready...
Usage 400 Hours
L x W 30 x 10.5
Location Fairfield, Maine, US
Stock Number FB23W357MEBB
MLS Number 12802302
2020 Bandit 19XP Chipper
$150,000 USD
2020 Bandit 19XP Chipper, Equipped with a Caterpillar 174 HP 6 Cylinder Turbo Diesel Engine, ONLY 1,500 Hours, Hydraulic Dual Rear Stabilizers, Hydraulic Tonge Jack, Hydraulic Winch,...
Usage 1,500 Hours
Horse Power 174
Engine Type Caterpillar
Location Ocala, Florida, US
Stock Number BC20B19XPFLBB
MLS Number 13017932
2010 Prentice 2384B Log Loader - CTR Delimber and 18
$53,500 USD
2010 Prentice 2384B Log Loader, Equipped with a 18" CSI Buck Saw and CTR Delimber, Engine has 13,000 Hours, Good Turntable, Boom is Tight, Enclosed Cab with Heat and Airconditioning,...
Usage 13,000 Hours
Location Louisville, Kentucky, US
Stock Number LL10P2384BKYBB
MLS Number 13016846
2019 Bell's Machining 8000 Firewood Processor
$179,000 USD
2019 Bells 8000 Firewood Processor, Circular Saw, Engine has ONLY 1,100 Hours, Enclosed Cab with Heat No Air Conditioning, Wedges Include a 6,8,10,16, Has Conveyor from the rear to a Tumbler...
Usage 1,100 Hours
Location Hammonton, New Jersey, US
Stock Number FP19B8000NJBB
MLS Number 13016842
2014 Barko 612 Forwarder
$127,900 USD
2014 Barko 612 Forwarder, Volvo Engine, Original Hours are 8000 Hours, Enclosed Cab with Heat and Air Conditioning, New Front Tires in Front and Rear Tires are 90%, Centers Replaced, Kesla...
Usage 8,000 Hours
Engine Type Volvo
L x W 33.10 x 8.8
Location La Crosse, Wisconsin, US
Stock Number F14B612WIBB
MLS Number 13016798
2016 CBI 5800 Horizontal Grinder
$689,900 USD
2016 CBI 5800 Horzontal Grinder with 728 hours on a Cat C-18 Engine with 765HP includes Colorizer and spray bar. Weight 69,000lbs - 73,000lbs, Length: 38 11, Width: 8 4, Height: 12...
Horse Power 765
Engine Type Caterpillar C-18
Location Hammonton, New Jersey, US
Stock Number HG16CBI5800NJCN
MLS Number 12715342
1992 White Double Axle Log Trailer 42'
Call for price
1992 White 42' Two Axle Log Trailer, Good Tires, Lights and Brakes, Ready for the Woods
Location Charlotte, North Carolina, US
Stock Number TR92W2ALT42NCBB
MLS Number 13004778
1985 White Tri-Axle Log Trailer 42'
$17,500 USD
1985 White Tri-Axle Log Trailer, 42' Long, Good Tires and Brakes, Ready for the Woods.
Location Charlotte, North Carolina, US
Stock Number TR85WTALT42NCBB
MLS Number 13004768
1992 White Tri-Axle Log Trailer 42'
$15,900 USD
1984 White Tri-Axle Log Trailer, 42' Trailer, Good Tires and Brakes, Ready for Work
Rear Axle Tri
Location Charlotte, North Carolina, US
Stock Number TR84WTALT42NCBB
MLS Number 13004730
2007 Bandit 250XP Chipper
$33,500 USD
2007 Bandit 250XP Chipper, Engine Meter is tough to read, Runs Solid, Hydraulic Winch, Telescoping Hitch, Autofeed, Caterpillar 140 HP Engine, Live Hydraulics, Hydraulic Lift Cylinder, Hand...
Horse Power 140
Engine Type Caterpillar
Location Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, US
Stock Number BC07B250XPPABB
MLS Number 12991550
2015 Komatsu XT430-3 Feller Buncher - Waratah 616C
$199,900 USD
2015 komatsu 430xt-3 with 9,700 hours has a Wartah 616c head topping saw. Under carriage and the oil cooler recently updated. Have some spare head cylinders and a feed wheel motor to go with...
Usage 9,700 Hours
L x W 25.2 x 10.4
Location Fairfield, Maine, US
Stock Number FB15K430XT3MECN
MLS Number 12759762
2014 Ponsse Ergo Harvester - Processor
$252,900 USD
*****Price reduced***** 2014 Ponsee Ergo Harvester, 7,300 Original Hours, Refurbished H7 Processor Head, Two Sets of Tracks and Chains, Centers Tight, Enclosed Cab with Heat and Air...
Usage 7,300 Hours
Location La Crosse, Wisconsin, US
Stock Number H14PEWIBB
MLS Number 12775226
2020 EcoLog 574 Double Bunk Forwarder
$252,900 USD
*****Price reduced***** 2020 Eco Log 574 (8 Wheel) Double Bunk Forwarder, Engine has 5,800 Hours, Two Sets of Tracks and Chains, Enclosed Cab with Radio, Heat and Air Conditioning. Centers...
Usage 5,800 Hours
L x W 34.47 x 9.26
Location La Crosse, Wisconsin, US
Stock Number F20ECOWIBB
MLS Number 12787170
1998 Prentice 210D Log Loader
$25,900 USD
1998 Prentice 210D Log Loader, No Delimber, Machine is reading 5000 Hours, New Fuel Pump, Center Section is Tight and Dry, Good Tires, Ready for the Woods. Length 40 ft 0 in, Width 9 ft...
Usage 5,000 Hours
L x W 40 x 9.2
Location Cedar Falls, Iowa, US
Stock Number LL98P210DIABB
MLS Number 12976722
2001 Timbco T425C Logging Processor - Waratah HTH624 Processor
$114,900 USD
2001 Timbco 425C Equipped with a Waratah 624 Processor head and additional 620 Head, New Final Drives, New Hyd Pump, Hyd.Oil Cooler, Both Boom Cylinders Rebuilt, New AC Pump, Enclosed Cab...
Usage 8,000 Hours
L x W 21.4 x 9.8
Location Colorado Springs, Colorado, US
Stock Number P01T425CCOBB
MLS Number 12976696
Timbco 425B Logging Processor
$66,000 USD
1993 Timbco 425 with Rolly-II Processor Head, 37" Bar Saw, New Air Bag in Head, Cummins 8.3 Diesel, Hours reading 6,769, Leveling Cab, Enclosed Cab, with Heat and AC, Propac Heater, New...
Drivetrain Track
L x W 21.4 x 9.8
Location Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, US
Stock Number P93T425PABB
MLS Number 10901778